This project involves listening to important stories from the past from people who have fascinating jobs and lives, and as lace makers, creating and gifting "守導服" that will protect their precious memories and guide them to a new future.
Memory 05 : Mei Ehara (Artist)
We gave her a lace of pansies.

What Mei said about her grandmother left a deep impression on us. Even though she was in her 30s, she was not able to talk to her grandmother, and she sometimes wonders if there were many stories from her bedridden grandmother that she never got to hear. She said that she sometimes thinks that if she had been able to talk to her grandmother, they might have been able to build a closer relationship.
Mei's grandmother, on the other hand, was a woman who enjoyed being a woman no matter how old she was. Mei said that she sometimes felt embarrassed as a child when she saw her grandmother, but now she wants to follow in her grandmother's footsteps.

Her atmosphere, the things she made, and the memories she shared with us were all wonderful, and we wanted to give her clothes that would express the many charms that made her so unique.

Memory 04 : Hideka (Hair stylist)
We gave her a lace of aconaites.

Hideka told us that she hated to lose when she was young. She shared some charming episodes with us, which made us feel that she was always making efforts to achieve the goals she set for herself.
When she started her career as a hair stylist, she tried to watch as many movies as she could on her days off and after work, as she thought it would be helpful for her hair arrangement.
When she started her career as a hair stylist, she tried to watch as many movies as she could on her days off and after work, as she thought it would be helpful for her hair arrangement.

After hearing her story, we wanted to give her work clothes as a gift, since she values her work. As a hair stylist, it is difficult to wear knitwear because hair always gets stuck to it, so I made a knit jumpsuit that looks like a flower wrapped in organza.
We also chose "monkshood" as a flower that matches her memories. We felt that she must have worked hard to make her dream come true, and we thought that the flower's meaning of "chivalry" was perfect. Monkshood flowers are also called "monk's hood" because their shape resembles a hood. The main character in the movie "The Piano," which she recommended to us, also wears a hood, so we made a hood embroidered with monkshood.

Memory 03 : Kazuhei Kimura (Photographer)
We gave him a lace of fennel.

Classical ballet was a part of his life as a child, influenced by his older sister. At the time, his sister encouraged him to take ballet lessons, but he was too shy to do it. However, in a family album, he found a photo of him at the age of three, standing on his tiptoes in his sister's pointe shoes, and realized that he had always wanted to become a ballet dancer. He said that this was the trigger for him to start taking photos of ballet recitals and turning them into works of art. He also said that he was born with a love for cute things, and although he doesn't want to wear them himself, he often ends up naturally choosing cute things.

We felt that he always had something cute inside him, so we wanted to create clothes with lace that was hidden away. We gave him a reversible smock that only the wearer's hands could touch the lace, and a pair of room shoes with lace on the soles that only the wearer would notice.

Memory 02 : Madoka Hayasaki ( Flower artist)
We gave her a lace of elemulus.

Madoka told us how she first fell in love with clothes. She also explained that her love for clothes led her to expand her network of connections, meet people she cares about, and lead to her current job.

We asked her in detail about her favorite details and the size of her usual clothes, and created a lace suit decorated with Eremurus flowers, which symbolize her love of clothes, and gave it to her as a gift.
We photographed her as if we were filming her daily life, wrapping flowers on the way home from work and going to her favorite bar.
We photographed her as if we were filming her daily life, wrapping flowers on the way home from work and going to her favorite bar.

Memory 01 : Momoko Nakamura
We gave her a lace of tulip.

She told us that she was greatly influenced by her grandmother and mother, as they lived in the same house and traveled together from a young age. The three of them lived like three sisters. Influenced by her mother, who was an illustrator, she also became an illustrator.
She told us that when her grandmother passed away last year, she and her mother sent her off by painting her coffin.
She told us that when her grandmother passed away last year, she and her mother sent her off by painting her coffin.

We lend memories from her about her mother, her grandmother and her, and we thought her memories were similar to the legend of the tulip, so we gave her a tulip lace items.
"Legend of the tulip"
Once upon a time, there lived in a town in the Netherlands.
Three knights fell in love with a girl. The knights tried to win the girl's favour.
They sent crowns, swords, jewels, gold and silver one after another.
The shy girl was at a loss for what to do.
She asked Flora, the goddess of flowers, to give her a beautiful flower.
The result is a new, more beautiful, and more powerful version of the original. The flower had 'crown' petals, 'sword' leaves and a 'golden' bulb. Eventually, people began to call the flower 'tulip'.
The name "tulip" was coined.
We created the outfit by selecting memories related to her relationship with her grandmother and mother from the memories she shared with us.
The fact that she was influenced by her mother to become an illustrator, how her style was formed, how her grandmother's bones are displayed in her house, and how she was close to all three of them like sisters - all of these are precious and wonderful stories.
That's why we created items that are part of a trinity. When she wears the three items, they can be worn as one dress.